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Implement NgRx with Confidence

NgRx is the leading reactive architecture for Angular apps. Get started with NgRx via expert-led NgRx training, architecture, and integration.

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NgRx Implementation Experts
Implementation Experts for NgRx

Increase your NgRx Development Velocity

LiveLoveApp' engineers can help you with your Angular and NgRx application. We have helped build NgRx from the ground-up, and we can help you solve your most challenging NgRx implementation problems.

You Have Questions

NgRx Architecture

Let's define how to design and build Angular Applications with NgRx using best practices.

NgRx reinforces best practices for buildingreactive applications using Angular.

Reactivity is at the core of Angular, and NgRx provides a suite of open-source libraries that are MIT licensed to build reactive applications with Angular.

NgRx provides redux-styled patterns for state management; both global state management and component-level state management solutions that combine the power of Angular and RxJS.

One of the questions we get asked most frequently is:"Is my software architecture with NgRx correct?"

LiveLoveApp can assess your Angular and NgRx application architecture. We provide you with guidance and prioritized recommendations from NgRx Core Team members.

Good Actions

Let's define how to implement good action hygiene.

Good action hygiene follows our four principles:

  1. Do not reuse actions.
  2. Use descriptive action types.
  3. Avoid action subtyping.
  4. Focus on clarity over brevity.

Is your organization using good action hygiene?

Following good action hygiene can increase the software development performance of your organization.

We pioneered good action hygiene with NgRx.


Let's define how to measure and monitor the performance of your Angular and NgRx applications.

NgRx is optimized for high performance. But, sometimes selectors can result in poor performance. We can help.

Are you noticing poor performance in your Angular application with NgRx?

It happens - trust us. While selectors are memoized, it's easy to end up with complex chains of dependent selectors whose computation time is causing poor performance.

We're here to help!

  • Schedule an introductory 30-minute meeting with LiveLoveApp to understand your Angular application and the current architecture.
  • We start with an architecture review of your NgRx-based application.
  • We work alongside you and your team to implement strategies to reduce technical debt, improve quality, and accelerate your development velocity.

NgRx Testing

Let's define how to write effective tests for NgRx.

Let's be honest. We all know that we should write tests and have adequate code coverage. But, we also know that writing tests can often be an afterthought.

Google recommends level 2 - or a minimum of 60% code coverage.

We can help you and your team to write short and effective tests of your Angular and NgRx applications.

For us, it starts with determining the code that needs to be tested (assuming your test coverage goal is not 100%). We strongly recommend writing unit tests for your effects, selectors, and reducers.

Next, we recommend writing simple functional tests for selectors and reducers - after all, they are just functions themselves.

Finally, writing tests for effects is critical. But, some effects can be hard to test. We can help you to refactor the existing effects that are difficult to test and help you write effective, and easy-to-understand, tests for your NgRx effects.

NgRx provides testing solutionsenabling you to write automated test for your application's most critical services and components.

Success Stories

Don't take our word for it.

Implement NgRx with Confidence
Talk to an NgRx Expert