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Provided Cell Editors

AG Grid Provided Cell Editors

AG Grid provides the following cell editors:

  • Text editor
  • Large text editor
  • Date editor
  • Select editor
  • Rich select editor (enterprise only)
  • The text cell editor is the default.
  • Use the cellEditor column definition property to specify a provided or custom cell editor.

We can specify the provided large text cell editor.

export class GridComponent {
  columnDefs = [
      headerName: 'Account No',
      field: 'account.accountNumber',
      editable: true,
      cellEditor: 'agLargeTextCellEditor'
  ] as ColDef<RowData>[];

We can specify the provided select cell editor editor.

export class GridComponent {
  columnDefs = [
      headerName: 'Account No',
      field: 'account.accountNumber',
      editable: true,
      cellEditor: 'agSelectCellEditor'
  ] as ColDef<RowData>[];


  1. Open the exercise on Stackblitz.
  2. Enable cell editing for the Customer Name column.
  3. Enable cell editing for the Account No column and use the agLargeTextCellEditor.


export class GridComponent {
  columnDefs = [
      headerName: 'Customer Name',
      field: '',
      editable: true,
      headerName: 'Account No',
      field: 'account.accountNumber',
      editable: true,
      cellEditor: 'agLargeTextCellEditor',
  ] as ColDef<RowData>[];

See solution on Stackblitz