
Persisting Edits

We have several options for persising data:

  • By default the field bound to the rowData is updated.
  • The valueSetter function.
  • The Grid API onCellValueChanged event
  • The Grid API onCellEditRequest event

valueSetter function

  • Data is managed by the grid.
  • Inverse of the valueGetter function.
  • Invoked by AG Grid with the ValueSetterParams<TData> params object.
  • Return true to indicate that the value was updated successfully and to refresh the cell.
  • Return false to indicate that the value was not updated.

Let's look at an example:

export class GridComponent {
  columnDefs = [
      headerName: 'Customer Name',
      field: '',
      editable: true,
      valueSetter: (params) => {
        if (params.oldValue === params.newValue) {
          return false;
        return true;
  ] as ColDef<RowData>[];

A few things to note:

  • First, we check if the oldValue strictly equals the newValue, and if so, we return false indicating that the cell does not need to be refreshed.
  • Next, we use an EventEmitter to notify the parent component that the value has changed.
  • We return true to indicate that the grid should refresh the cell.

onCellValueChanged event

  • Data is managed by the grid.
  • The onCellValueChanged event is emitted when a cell value has been updated after a user edit (excluding pasting from the clipboard).
  • We'll use the cellValueChanged output binding on the <ag-grid-angular> component.
  • The event emits the CellValueChangedEvent<TData = any, TValue = any> object containing the oldValue and newValue.

Let's see an example.

  selector: 'app-grid',
  standalone: true,
  imports: [AgGridModule],
  template: `
export class GridComponent {
  onCellValueChanged({ data }) {{ data }));

In this example:

  • The cell data is managed external to the grid.
  • First, we use the cellValueChanged output binding syntax and invoke the onCellValueChanged() method with the CellValueChangedEvent object.
  • The onCellValueChanged destructures the CellValueChangedEvent object and dispatches an action to update the account.

onCellEditRequest event

  • Event is emitted when the cell value has changed after editing.
  • The grid must use the read-only mode.
  • We'll use the cellEditRequest output binding on the <ag-grid-angular> component.
  • The event emits the CellEditRequestEvent<TData = any> object.

Let's look at an example:

  selector: 'app-grid',
  standalone: true,
  imports: [AgGridModule],
  template: `
export class GridComponent {
  onCellEditRequest({ data }) {

Let's review:

  • First, we use the getRowId input binding to provide a reference to a function that tracks the unique row key/id.
  • Next, we enable the read-only edit mode using the readOnlyEdit input binding and set the value to true.
  • The cellEditRequest output binding invokes the onCellEditRequest() method when the event is emitted.
  • The onCellEditRequest method is invoked with the CellEditRequestEvent<TData> object.
  • In this example, we're just logging out the data.

But, how is the cell value updated?

Good question!

  • Because we only log out the data, the cell value is not updated.
  • We need to use a strategy for updating the cell value.

Strategies for updating the cell value when using the onCellEditRequest event:

  1. In conjunction with the getRowId function, use immutable data (such as NgRx).
  2. Use the Grid API setRowData() method.
  3. Apply a transaction via the Grid API.